Personal Injury Law Navigating Property Damage Headaches

Navigating Property Damage Headaches

The key to avoiding property damage headaches is to make sure you have collision insurance coverage on your vehicle.

What is Collision Coverage?

Collision coverage is insurance that you carry to have your car repaired by your own insurance company as opposed to vehicle that caused your accident.  The down side to this, is that you have to initially pay the deductible which in many cases is $1,000.00.

The upside is that if the other vehicle that caused the accident was at fault, your insurance company will get your deductible back for you.  The other positive aspect of collision coverage is that that if you are at fault, then you will be able to get your vehicle repaired and only be out your deductible.

Is It Worth It?

Collision coverage is only worth it, if you are driving a vehicle that has value left.  If you are driving an old vehicle that is worth only a few thousand dollars then the cost of collision coverage premium is likely not worth its value.

What If You Do Not Have Collision Coverage?

If you do not have collision insurance, then you are at the mercy of the insurance company covering the vehicle that caused your accident.  This is usually not a problem if the other vehicle was clearly at fault and the other vehicle is insured with a reputable insurance company. If the other insurance company determines that they are not at fault or only partially at fault then they will deny payment or reduce the payment by the percentage of their fault. If you are dealing with a cut-rate insurance carrier, then you will have to deal with all of the problems that come a long when dealing with poorly run companies.
If you have been involved in any kind of accident – call Attorney Neil Redmond on his Mobile Phone 646-285-7115 for a free consultation.

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